
Catalogue Previews SUCKERS GN


(W) Karki, (A) Karki, (CA) Karki,

Do you know how hard it is for a 20-year-old guy to live independently? Rent, food, expensive hobbies... Plus, you have to find time to hang out with friends and not get burnt out at work. Lemoni Peters knows. And when some freak shows up in his backyard claiming to be a vampire, promising eternal life, Lem agrees without a second thought. Wait a minute... What makes this pompous jerk think he can crash at his house?! That wasn't part of the deal! Where will the bizarre proximity of a supernatural being and an almost-not-human lead: to a deadly rivalry, a friendship for the ages, or could it turn into something more? Oh boy...

Date de livraison estimée : 03/07/2024

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