
Previews Catalogue COMICS JOURNAL #310 (MR)


(W) Gary Groth, Kristy Valenti, Austin English (A) Gerald Scarfe, Aidan Koch, Lale Westvind, Jess Johnson, Juliette Collet, Chris Companik, Allee Errico (CA) Gerald Scarfe

Multimedia artist and satirist Gerald Scarfe, best known worldwide for his Pink Floyd iconography and designs for Disney’sHercules, talks to Gary Groth about his film, TV, and comics career, spanning 60+ years.Zach Rabiroff does a journalistic deep dive into Bill Jemas’s tenure as Vice President of Marvel from 2000–2004, the creation of the Marvel Ultimates Universe, and much more. Also: visual artists Aidan Koch (Earth Comics,The Blonde Woman) and Lale Westvind (Grip) in conversation; a Jess Johnson sketchbook; a Fair Warning interview with TCJ Best of 2022 cartoonist Juliette Collet; a look at Chris Companik’s HIV-awareness comics, original work by Allee Errico, and much more.

Estimated release date: 28/08/2024

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